Nerdvana : Must have iPhone cookies

February 26, 2010

I, like the big blue furry fella on Sesame Street, love cookies. I also love my iPhone. So when I saw these iPhone shaped cookies I instantly wanted to go to Japan, visit the Green Gables shop, and just go nuts.

An American bakery called SugarBeez also produces some of their own, in the more traditional black. Either way I’m hungry.

Clear out

January 8, 2010

I’ve moved all the movie related stuff to so that I can keep this blog for more personal things.

Gaming Garage – Final Fantasy XIII Box Art Unveiled

December 2, 2009

Square Enix have unveiled the new box art for one of 2010’s most anticipated videogame release, Final Fantasy XIII.

Read the rest of this entry »

A little bit of Culchure

October 13, 2009

I have the amazing honour of writing for, a great Irish website dedicated to informing the masses about the latest pop cultural happening on our fair isle. This site is run by the exemplary Darren Byrne and has a great line-up of authors, who are truly wonderful people as well as being extraordinarily well-informed and funny. I try to post my best work there, that is to say what I consider my best work not that it’s actually any good but I’d like to think that some people enjoy it and I’m not completely wasting my time.

I have a regular column for movies showing each week called The Friday Feeling as well as a semi-regular column called Cool but Ultimately Pointless. CBUP is about new technology or innovations that are really interesting but will never amount to anything (in my opinion). The most recent CBUP was about Sony’s latest gizmo the PSP Go. There are numerous reason’s why this is pointless and I covered most of them in the post. I also try to review movies that I have been privileged to see before their Irish release date including Up and Adventureland.

Recently I’ve posted news stories about Doctor Who, the new International Amazon Kindle, He-Man and Barbie movies, the 61st Emmys, Monopoly City Stories, Facebook Lite, the A-Team movie cast as well as tributes to the late Keith Floyd and Patrick Swayze. I’ve also examined the modern obsession with 3D cinema as well as doing a feature on TV Bars.

I love Disney/Pixar and for I have posted about their forthcoming 2D feature The Princess and the Frog (twice) in addition to the review of Up. I’ve also examined the impact of the Marvel-Disney/Pixar merger.

I plan on writing a lot more and ideas are always buzzing around in my head. I’ve created this blog to post them all and weed out the good ones for a place I hope they’ll be appreciated,

Orderly Insanity

October 13, 2009

Hi, my name is Niall and I have an addictive personality. That’s not to say that once you meet me you’ll start stalking me but rather that I quite easily become obsessed with things that are new and interesting to me. Imagine a kangaroo with ADHD, fuelled with Red Bull and holding a power cable and you’ll get some idea of the hyperactive nature of my being.

With that in mind I’ve decided to put some of my insanity down in an orderly manner. I will be blogging about whatever fad or craze currently has me ensnared and my thoughts, opinions or 3 word expressions on the books, music, movie, tech and social media that randomly pop into my head.

Please don’t judge me too harshly. I’m quite mad you know.